Friday, July 13, 2007

It jus snapped

Woke up this morning, still lying on my bed decided to grab my guitar and started strumming. It's feels cool to play my guitar while lying on bed anyway my guitar is just within my grabbing vicinity. Started to play song that just comes to my mind practised hammering and tried running my fingers on the strings.

After that went to watch tv for an hour, before decided to pick up the guitar again. I was suprised to see that the D string of my guitar, that i just played awhile ago, had snapped. Well it's a first time that the string just snapped, didnt expect it to be so sudden. Guess the constant tuning causes tension to build up on the strings which finally gives way, resulting it to snap and leaving a string hanging on the guitar.

In engineering term, when tension or we call it stress(force over area) acting at the both ends of the D string becomes too great for the material of the string. The string will starts to elongate and when stress is constantly added to the string, the stress will reach the ultimate tensile strength of the material of the string. Resulting in the terminal failure of the material causing the string to rupture or in lay man term snap. Is it not the same like us? When we are constantly at pressure, sometime we might bottle up that frustration and when that frustration just reach it's maximum things just exploded. Sometimes leaving behind problems unsolved or a scar in our life. So a solution to it is go buy a new string.

Ya went to peninsula plaza got new guitar strings from davis guitar. Walk around suntec before decided to rot and die in bus no. 10. The ride from suntec to tampines was about an hour, it was like me staying in camp office stoning my life away. By the way today was an off day too. Reached back home, a good friend of mine throws a physic question to me lucky i know how to do although i was stunned for awhile. I guessed it's the knowledge that i attained from rigourous mugging during the normal semester in NTU. Anyway now my guitar looks funny with the new string in the middle of the rest of the old strings.

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