Sunday, July 15, 2007

Busy Sunday

Today was a busy day for me, I think the busy sunday i ever had. Went to church in the morning then back to work at camp and rushed for a family gathering at my aunty's house.

1st service in church was totally different from the normal 2nd service which i attend. Hymns was sung and theres a choir made up of people whose probably much older then me, am only 23 still young. Well felt that singing hymns was a little bit boring, but then what really matters is the attitude towards worshipping our God. Some of us might think singing hymns equals old fashion out of dated or playing loud christian rock music will irritate God's ears. Well it does not matter what music or song were used in praises but the the right attitude towards worshipping. Cause everyones different cant make everyone follow the same style of music. Creativity a God given gift will be much wasted then, if there's no variety of music in life.

Went to the turf today, it's been a long time since I went there to play. Dont get it wrong went there to play music not play on the odds of the horse that the turf club was offering. Anyway I didnt really went there to play music more like went there to help out in carrying mineral water and watch the band matches into the horse shit infested grass track. Most of the time was spent rotting at the holding area and i were so bored that with two other corporals decided to guess which horse will win the race so winners gets anything or watever.

The whole turf club was full of punters wasting their money away in races that finish in 2-3 mins by the way there were loads of races today. Can really see two kind of people there the super low class punters (sitting at the railings cheering for the horse that they place bets on) and the super high class punters (usually in the air con lounge viewing the horse from above betting in thousands which are peanuts). Anyway will be the last time going there, cause the place smell like horse shit and the PSI index there is like 500pts.

After the family gathering, finally reached back home and it was KO for me before blogging out the days happening. Ya who wants to go to my church 40 days of purpose driven life and contact me at Update of my army days 20 more days to ORD!!!

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