Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Test Test Test......Test

Looks Like the blog still working fine. Ages since i last blog, some updates damn busy with work currently busy with climbing the corporate ladder :>, just compeleted anothe 42km under 5 hours (one of my best timing) and basically thats it.

Must be wondering why i post that title. Was reading up some blog posted about Jesus not saving everyone and the only way condition to be saved is not only believing He existed but also follow Him. Well to a certain points its true but seriously correct me if am wrong who in the world can actually follow His high standard. So if we cant follow that standard then I think all the believers would be condemn to hell.

Well there is a reason why Jesus died on the cross right and all of us knows it. And definately if you believe He existed is one thing but believing His God and abiding in His rule is another. But for sure my sins are forgiven.